May Contest WINNER!

After a TERRIFIC outpouring of comments, Facebook hits and tweets, my May 2010 contest has come to a close. I amassed all the names into a hat, (an actual hat, a BIG mexican party hat, obvs!) and pulled out the winner!

It's ELINA FURMAN! Congratulations!

This is not only good news for her, being that's she's won a free sitting and a stack of complimentary prints, but good news for me since little Julian is completely ADORABLE! Let's chat soon to arrange Elina!

Also, I do have to shout out to my girl Jennifer of Double Duty Mommy, as she tireless tweeted for me DAILY throughout the whole month of May, unprovoked, to promote this contest--J, you get a special treat from me, email me for details!

Sending love, hugs and days full of Tiny Victories to ALL my supporters who participated. THANK YOU! :)